
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Clear Alternative to Watercolor Paper?

I paint abstract watercolors on Yupo paper, for the most part. Lately I've been working on a series for an upcoming gallery show in Dallas, and last night I decided to look at for larger sheets than the ones I can find locally or anything unusual with which I could experiment. I found Yupo Clear. I cant tell you how excited I got; the shift in possibilities from what I can usually do with Yupo was damn exciting. I started fantasizing immediately and came up with some really good ideas. The problem I discovered today before ordering 100 of these Clear sheets was that they're only mildly translucent, so I can't do the layering of multiple paintings for which I was hoping. My hopes were down, but not destroyed. Now I'm looking for some kind of alternative. Mylar and acrylic or plexiglass sheets are what I'm finding as the only alternatives that might be able to give me what I need, or at least get me close enough to be worth trying out. So few people look at the blog at the moment, but if you've happened to have stopped by and have any suggestions, please throw em at me! I need all the help I can get here, but fortunately there's not a huge rush. I definitely wouldn't be able to find anything and get comfortable enough with it to have it ready for this show. C'mon, comments!

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